Standard Drink Calculator Version Française CISUR logo

Want to see more personalized information? Visit CISUR’s Know Alcohol Calculator to see your potential risks and costs from drinking, and explore the benefits of cutting back.

Convert your drinks into Canadian standard drink sizes

For an amount of alcohol, find out how many Canadian standard drinks it represents.

Size: ml
Strength (% alcohol):

1 Ounces (oz) are Imperial fluid ounces (rather than US fluid ounces).

Convert your Canadian standard drinks into volume

For a number of Canadian standard drinks and % alcohol, find the volume (in ml) it represents.

Number of std. drinks: Strength (% alcohol):

What is a Canadian standard drink?

A Canadian standard drink contains 17.05mL or 0.6001oz (Imperial fluid ounces) or 0.5765oz (US fluid ounces) of pure ethanol. As there is no accepted international definition for a "standard drink", how a standard drink is defined both in terms of metric (i.e.: mass of pure ethanol vs. volume of pure ethanol) and amount of pure ethanol can vary widely from country to country.

This tool only provides information on Canadian standard drinks.

Drinking guide

Learning to count drinks?

As of Jan 2023, Canada has updated its Guidance on Alcohol and Health. Unlike the previous guidelines from 2011, the new guidelines define a 'continuum of risk associated with weekly alcohol' rather than a recommended maximum number of drinks per week.
The harms are defined as:

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Note: The mathematical formula for calculating a Canadian standard drink using millilitres (mL) is: ((container volume in mL x % alcohol by volume)/(17.05mL of ethanol))/100
Last update: 12 Feb. 2025
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